Town of Abingdon Code Compliance Department Mission
To promote the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Abingdon residents and the environment, through timely, consistent and appropriate enforcement and administration of relevant Town of Abingdon Ordinances.
Compliance Department investigations are typically complaint driven. Complaints may come from the general public, elected officials, groups / organizations or Town of Abingdon Staff.
To file a complaint a complete Complaint Form must be submitted to the Compliance Department.
What happens when you file a Code Compliance Complaint?
Overview of Code enforcement
- The Town of Abingdon Code Compliance Division of the Community Development Department is aimed at improving the quality of life for citizens by responding to complaints about housing and property maintenance code violations in an effort to keep our neighborhoods safe and attractive.
- Code Compliance is responsible for enforcing various Town and State codes that help to improve Abingdon’s neighborhoods by eliminating eyesores, blight and nuisances, thus increasing the general attractiveness of the Town.
- Town of Abingdon Codes
- Virginia Maintenance Codes
-Click on Photo for Full Size Render-
Complaint Process
- Our goal is to work with the property owner to achieve voluntary compliance.
- If voluntary compliance cannot be achieved we look to pursue legal action for uncorrected violations, Code Compliance works to improve the health, safety and aesthetic appearance of the Town of Abingdon.
Some Common violations
- Inoperable motor vehicles on private property.
- Overgrown weeds and trash in yards and vacant lots. (38-32 of the Town of Abingdon Code of Ordinances.)
- Vegetation or other obstructions blocking sidewalks.
- Graffiti, non-permitted signs, (usually stapled onto telephone poles).
- Houses, buildings and various structures in need of painting, repair or other maintenance.