HPRB Meetings – February 5, 2025
The Historic Preservation Review Board will hold two meetings on Wednesday February 5, 2025. The HPRB is scheduled for…
Here you will find the a list of all the Departments in the town, FOIA Information, Abingdon Alert sign up, Bids, Employment Opportunities, and More.
Find a list of every Board and Commission in town, along with minutes, agendas, and members of each. You can also find an application for membership here.
The Town Council of Abingdon, Virginia meets the first Monday of each month. Here you will find contact information, minutes, agendas, and videos of past meetings.
The Historic Preservation Review Board will hold two meetings on Wednesday February 5, 2025. The HPRB is scheduled for…
Enhance Abingdon Foundation is a public non-profit corporation organized under Virginia’s non-profit corporation statute for the express purpose of raising…
Are you looking to make a meaningful impact in your community? Consider volunteering your time and expertise by joining one…
NOTICE OF MEETINGS The Abingdon Town Council will hold the following meetings: January – August 2025 DATE TIME LOCATION January…
The Town of Abingdon is offering volunteers the opportunity to adopt historic plots in Sinking Springs Cemetery located at 123…